Yes! We offer physical printed proofs at no extra charge.
If you are unsure of an image you have uploaded, or want to be sure the text on your item is legible, or if you have a custom order with a barcode that will be scanned, you may want to order a printed proof.
For a custom order, we will send you a digital proof, and once you approve that we are happy to print a proof and ship that to you overnight.
If you order online, give us a call right after you place the order and let our customer support team know you'd like a printed proof. The order would need to be placed during support hours, M-F, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central time. We would then ship you a proof.
For tickets, we print half of a sheet; it will not be cut or perforated but will give you an idea of how the final item would print.
Once you get the printed proof, you will need to contact us and let us know if you want us to go ahead and print the whole order or if you'd like to cancel at that time. For online orders, we would then refund your cost. If you need to make adjustments to the artwork or item at all, we will need to cancel it and have you resubmit.
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